The Power of Marketing with Banners

Welcome to 2021!  As business owners, we are all looking for new, innovative ways to market our business and the products we sell.  We at Harvest Print agree that using both digital and print marketing is the most successful way to reach your customers.  The clients we see using both forms of marketing see the…

Why Holiday Cards are Important

When a business takes the time to send holiday cards it shows that they value someone enough to make the time to wish them a happy holiday season. It showcases your success. A quality holiday card tells the recipient that your business is doing well. And people want to do business with successful people 2020 has been quite a year.  The…

Holiday Marketing Ideas

It doesn’t matter the holiday that you celebrate – Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza or Festivus, there are many print marketing ideas that can be used to boost business sales.  It’s the busiest shopping season of the year and your job in business is to influence a buyer’s decision.  Make a sale easy and create motivation to…

Promote School Spirit – Back to School

The “Big Germ”, in physically distancing us, has forced us to invent and innovate new ways of doing things, including school.  Despite the complaints of “crisis schooling” and the general agreement that face-to-face learning is ideal, many individuals and communities are not ready to go back to “brick and mortar” education.  Remote learning, or distance…

Campaign Printing

In my opinion, if you are running for office – you have guts.  Whether it’s the passion for change or the desire to make your country, city, county or town continue to run smoothly, we know it will take a lot of work.  Harvest wants to make that journey as effortless as possible.  With over…

Disposable Menu Printing

The Menu – the most important communication factor in the restaurant business. A menu tells the price, the description and gets your mouth watering.  Menus are important because besides the server themselves, it’s what sells a restaurant’s food.   Whether you are a sit down or take out restaurant, it’s important to look your best. …